Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Who am I again?

I have been on a quest to find myself again for the past little while. Not that I really feel lost, but kind of like i'm not too sure what my role is anymore. Five years ago I was a worker, loved it. Worked full time, often took extra shifts if asked or switched shifts with people...never a problem. I would go out with friends, and have pub nights with my man.  Movie nights were a must, the actual going out to the movies kind!  Grab a drink and appy somewhere then head over to the show and stuff our faces with popcorn and not even think twice how much we were spending.  Money wasn't just free flowing, but I never cared if the account got low....I could eat cans of soup til payday and not be too upset.

But now I'm a momma. And I work part time, which is enough for me for now. I am so consumed with her and making sure she is fed, bathed, clothed, happy, played with, and educated, that it leaves very little time to myself. My only time for me is between 10pm-midnight, when my partner is in bed, and so is the baby (fingers crossed she won't wake up) And that's it. 2 hours. And it's not like I use those 2 hours wisely, I'm usually so beat I just watch tv or search the internet for craft ideas or anything baby related! (still nothing for ME related) I have so many therapy appointments during the week for my daughter, as well as trying to get in visits to see my mum & dad, (since I work weekends now I dont get to see them anymore) I have to clean, cook meals every night for my family, make sure the laundry is done.  I'm also on a council for babes and mothers sponsored by the hospital. It's a post-natal care program to help ease the transition for new mothers thrown into this crazy world of babies! I volunteer my time in meetings going over ideas to fund raise and getting our name out there for people to know who we are, get new topics for the weekly program we offer to new moms, and just the general run of this program. So I'm a busy girl!

But I just wanted to do something for me.  My partner plays hockey every week so I needed something for MY time.  So I am excited to start my basic cake decorating classes next week!!!  It'll be 2 hours once a week of just me time again. OMG I need this so bad. I am looking for other night time things I might want to try next year as well....if this goes as well as I hope!  Maybe I'll learn Spanish, or to belly dance! who knows...I just know I need to get out. And my evenings are all I have.

I think sometimes I get the impression that people who work full time, think that stay at home moms do nothing all day. Here's what I say...would you ask your child's daycare provider does she sit on her butt all day and facebook? She would be so insulted and have a list as long as her arm of what she does all day with your kids.....so why would it be different for me? I have so many things in a week that I have to get done before my next work weekend comes that some days I just live off lattes. seriously! But my child isn't allowed to watch much tv, we have things to get done...colouring, singing time, story time, making 3 healthy meals everyday, walks, playing with toys, learning with toys and everyday things around the house. Changing, wiping, cleaning, feeding, teaching, more cleaning, more feeding, a well needed nap, the life of a stay at home mother is busy. Plus I try so hard to get time in there for play dates or coffee dates with other kids and moms. Doesn't happen on a weekly basis, there's just no time.  And then there's the running errands for the family. Doctor appt's, dentist, car needs gas, parcel needs to be picked up, grocery shopping, baby items shopping, my man needs new work pants shopping, bills need to be paid, and I wonder why I haven't had time to take her to that playgroup I've been meaning to get her too.

There are not enough hours in the 5 days off I have. But I wouldn't change a thing. I love being a mother more than anything I have ever done. Hopefully one day we will be blessed to add to our family....because I wasn't busy enough already! hahahahaha

My priorities have shifted to the home. And I like my two days away at work it's like down time for me. I get to chat with customers and make them pretty and feel special and then I go home....and see the cheerios all over the carpet and the dishes piled up and I think...ok back to reality, my vacation is over!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Perogy making

So at least once a year we make homemade perogies.  I actually learned from my fiance, his family always made them, so for 6+ years now him and I make them for our family.

So we got organized and made the mashed potatoes and filling and dough while the baby was napping and when she awoke, I took her over to her Nanny's house to play for the afternoon.  That way we could have an assembly line going without a toddler underfoot. 

This time I rolled the dough while he filled them up over the mold. Usually its the other way around, but we like to spice it up a  bit. HAHAHA  Why do I laugh at my own jokes, gosh I'm a  dork!

So we had the tunes cranked as usual and all of a sudden this old song by Anne Murray comes on called "Danny's song" and my fiance starts singing it to me...he says...hey this is our song.  And then I started to cry.  Crying and rolling perogy dough and smiling all at the same time.  It's like I fell in love with him all over again. Something so sweet and spur of the moment just took my breath away. The words to the song are sad but true for us. And probably for many people.  I had heard this song a zillion times, but I never really listened to the lyrics until he sang them to me. And he was right.  The song is us. (except the pregnant part, lol) And I am still smiling.
Here are the lyrics for anyone who wants to know.
I recommend hearing it over reading it. 

"Danny's Song"

People smile and tell me I'm the lucky one

And we've just begun, I think I'm gonna have a son

He will be like you and me, as free as a dove

Conceived in love, the sun is gonna shine above


And even though we ain't got money

I'm so in love with ya honey

Everything bring a chain of love

And in the mornin' when I rise

Bring a tear of joy to my eyes

And tell me everything's gonna be all right

Love a guy who holds the world in a paper cup

Drink it up, love him and he'll bring you luck

And if ya find he helps your mind

better take him ho-ome

Yeah 'n' don'tcha live alone

try to earn what lovers own


Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Birth Story, and this is long!

I will start by saying that this is not for everyone. This is for myself and it's graphic and emotional and raw.  I'm just needing to get this out and move forward. And it'll be a very long story, just an FYI! grab some tissues and a coffee.

I really struggled whether or not to blog this, or just write it on paper and then burn it outside, letting the ashes blow away. I guess I'll make a decision when I get to the end, if I click POST or not. I don't want to come across as ungrateful for the beautiful daughter I have, I think its time to let go of the guilt I've harboured inside me for 2 years now.

July 31st, 2008 at 1:00am I woke up in the night thinking I need to use the bathroom, but then found myself searching for my clock, pen and paper to start keeping track of my contractions....they had begun!!!  I was terrified, but also so excited all at once.  I chose not to wake my fiance, I thought this could take awhile and since he suffers from an inner ear disease and gets vertigo easily,  I let him sleep....he would need it. I remember laying in bed all night dozing in and out waking to another contraction thinking, hmmm not bad it feels like a period cramp but after a few seconds it disappears for 20 mins or so. This is easy!! About 7am he woke up, luckily he already had the day off since it was so close to the long weekend and he knew I could have the baby any day now.  So I shared the news and he just jumped into action.  Showering and eating breakfast, as if we are ready to go soon. Silly man.

Hours go by, and more hours, the pain increases but still very bearable and far apart. We watched movies and tv, I tried sitting on my yoga ball as much as possible, walked around the house, showered, ate, drank liquids, tried to act normal. I didn't want to tell my mum & dad I was in labour yet, not sure why to be honest. I think because I didn't want my mum to run over here and "baby" me through this. I wanted to do it myself.  Around 6:30pm or so we called the midwife to tell her I had been in labour for 17 hours already and they were still about 10 mins apart.  She thought I had a long way to go yet, but to call her when they were 5 mins apart or I couldn't handle the pain and she would meet me at the hospital. I do think thats around the time I told my mum on the phone as well. But told her go to bed tonight we will call you as soon as it happens! I'm sure she didn't sleep much that night!

By about 9:30pm I was crying.  The pain had gotten to the point that I honestly didn't think it could ever get worse. The contractions were close to 5 mins apart and last 2 mins long each one. So my fiance called the hospital and told them we are on our way. The 5 minute drive to the hospital seemed to be the bumpiest road trip I've ever taken.  Every bump hurt so bad and by the time he got me to the ER doors I could hardly get out of the car.  The contractions were coming fast and so strong, and I was SOBBING my heart out. I think I scared the people waiting in ER, even the doctor in the ER wanted to help me.  I had seen patients lying in beds waiting for whatever they were in there shouting "Good luck, you'll be ok".  They meant well but I seriously wanted to punch someone. And all I could hear was my fiance saying "Thank you" to all of them. SHUT IT was on the tip of my tongue!  The nurses offered the wheelchair for me, but I kept saying No the Pre-natal classes said to walk as long and often as possible, i'll walk.  Now for those of you who know our hospital, the walk from the ER down all 3 hallways and up the elevator is seriously the longest walk ever when you are in labour. They are no where near each other in locations...something I would advise in the new hospital they are building here one day.  Put the maternity ward close to the door!!! My girlfriends who did this walk late at night while in labour all know what i'm talking about!

I walked into the maternity ward with the sweetest nurses ready to greet me, they knew me by name and were sooooo happy to see me.  I think I cried again because I thought, yes, someone to help me!!  We walked down the hall to the labour and delivery rooms and there was my girlfriend "A" who I met in pre-natal, and her hubby drinking Iced Caps from timmy's looking calm and comfortable, saying nice things to me....honestly they could have said my hair was on fire, I dont to this day remember what she said, just her sweet smile and the look of fright on her hubby's face!  LOL.  She wasn't in full labour yet! But I love her still to this day for her smile...as I cried and walked down the hall.  hahaha. (writing this out is really helping, I am laughing so hard now at how much I cried.  Gosh I'm such a big baby!)

So midwife showed up, got the "Cadillac" of all delivery rooms (the one with the big shower in it) got all settled, they wanted me to pee in the cup...word to all your pregger ladies out there they make you pee as soon as you arrive, but I couldn't do it...should have been clue #1 that something was wrong. It was about 11pm by the time we got settled and I got into my sexy hospital gown took off the bra...ahhh that I do remember feeling such relief! And kept on with my hard contractions. So the midwife checked me and they were shocked how long I went before going to the hospital (22 hours, not that i'm bragging) and they realized I was 6cm almost 7cm dilated.  They were happy and things seemed to be going smoothly. I heard 7cm and said, cool I will be giving birth within the hour.....I think they laughed at me. 

Ok so lets skip some hours and get to the nitty gritty. About 27 hours in they realized that the baby was stuck.  Her head was crooked and my cervix was so swollen. Half of it felt 10cm dilated to them (and by them yes I mean multiple people were all up in my grill...you know...) but the other side felt so swollen from the baby pressing on it that blood was building up and that was half the severe pain I was feeling. The back labour was OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD. And i still had not pee-d yet!  I had my fiance pressing on my low back as hard as he could possible press for at least 2 hours (hours 25-27) so much so that he got to the point where he could not feel his hand anymore and didn't know if he had the strength to keep pressing on it for me.  For me it relieved the pain, but I know he thought he was hurting me.  Nope, he could have punched me in back and I wouldn't have felt a thing. By this point I was huffing the gas they gave me til my eyes were rolling back in my head. Big Daddy thought that was the weirdest thing he's ever seen. I think it creeped him out.  But gas was temporary.  As soon as you exhale the pain is there. But I had said I wanted a natural birth with no drugs unless I needed them. I will never say those words again.

My blood pressure was through the roof, the baby's heart rate was escalating and not coming down.  My contractions were every 2 mins but lasting for 1min 45 secs. (they start timing contractions from when they START, so i'm not kidding I had a 15 second break in between them....for 2 or 3 hours!)  I was physically exhausted.  And I also forgot or refused, not sure which, to drink fluids. So I was severely dehydrated.  The midwife gave me an IV....5 times it took her to get a vein, they were so dehydrated she couldn't find one.  And that was almost as painful as the labour. On the last one she sliced through a nerve and I just about jumped off the bed in pain. And that actually hurt for a month. FYI peeps, ask a nurse to do it!

By the 27th hour the nurses were getting scared. the screams that were coming out of my mouth were primal. My fiance said it was nothing he'd ever heard before, and apparently I started chanting like a monk! No joke. My second girlfriend was in the other delivery room and she heard me too. I think I scared her husband as well.  oops I'm sorry!!  So the nurses called in the doctor.  He arrived like Heaven sent an angel to me, looked at my BP, looked at baby's heart rate, took one quick exam on me and asked the nurse to call the anesthesiologist (hope I spelled correctly) and to order fentanyl to calm me down (it's 100 times more potent than morphine) and then ordered an epidural for me. He said the epidural would bring my blood pressure back down and slow down contractions until they could turn the baby's head and deliver her. But they couldn't give me epidural without somehow calming me down first, I think I was borderline hysterical in pain by that point.  Then he asked the midwife to step aside and have a seat.  I was no longer her patient.

I had a midwife, a doctor, a pediatrician, and anesthesiologist and 3 nurses, plus my man all in the room with me trying to get this baby out.   When the anesthetist (however you call him) came into the room here's what I thought. A) Good Lord you are freaking gorgeous!  B) I love you. lol. I'm not sure if I had clothing on at that point, my fiance told me a year later that I took off my dressing gown and chucked it across the room saying I'm too hot with this thing on. Bahahaha it's a light as a sheet. too funny!!! the entire maternity ward staff saw me naked.  There is no modesty when birthing a child.

Epidural man didn't think I would be able to sit still long enough for it to be inserted into my spine. But they told me I had no choice and they thought I was going to have a c-section. I signed 3 papers I think not sure what they said I was in too much pain and scribbled something on each one. I got into position, which is very hard when you have a beach ball between your legs, apparently I started chanting or counting/chanting. Something odd and unusual, holding onto the meal tray with one nurse holding my one arm and the midwife holding the other, because my contractions were so hard and so close together.  I asked the anesthetist to wait til my go, i knew I had a 15 second break coming up, and he did and then went for it. To be honest I didn't feel the epidural go in at all. I felt him taping it to my back and that was it.  Then they told me to carefully lie down and relax. They had to put in a catheter which hardly filled up and the nurses were very nervous about my lack of fluids.  Within 30 mins I couldn't feel my legs or the contractions, but they told me I had to wait 2 hours before I could push.  So my man had a tiny siesta in the lazyboy chair and the nurses all left me and dimmed the lights and I rested my eyes. One kept checking on me and checking the baby monitor but she sat there quietly telling me to rest. Which was so nice. I was exhausted. 

The epidural had done it's job.  I had relaxed enough that the baby turned her head enough to allow me to fully dilate. The doctor and nurses all came back in with the midwife too, and told me they were only going to allow me to push for a little otherwise I needed a c-section.  I told him, I know I can do this.    So they had to tell me to push since I couldn't feel the contractions, or anything from the ribs down.  I started figuring out that when I felt the baby moving and kicking me inside I was contracting, so my daughter would give me the signal and we worked as as a team and she was out in about 40 mins of pushing.  Not too bad. they did have to put the vacuum on her head to turn it slightly to the side and then she came out.  And just because you're frozen doesn't mean you dont feel the baby moving inside you.  That was a weird feeling. She came out all healthy, and she got placed on my chest and I remember saying she's so small! She was born at 7:15 am Aug 1st, 2008 weighing 6lbs 4oz. (30 hours of labour)  The baby got checked by the pediatrician and I layed there recovering and happy it was over.  But as we were holding our precious angel I noticed the doctor who delivered her was taking a long time to stitch me up.  At least 30-40 mins of sewing. I found out later I had 3rd degree tears. Ouchy! But since I was still frozen I didn't feel him stitching me. But once the swelling went down the next day the pain was out of this world. *i'm shivering at the thought right now

So we thought everything was fine. We had called our families and me and baby were in my room trying right away to get her to latch onto my breast. And she would which shocked me, but of course you dont' have much of anything on day 1. She did alot of sleeping that day, and I think i tried to. My parents showed up about noon on their lunch hour from their jobs, and I was so excited to see them. Of course they came back later that night,  but they knew me and big daddy needed to try to rest.  Nothing seemed unusual to me, since i'd never had a baby before, I figured all babies were "jumpy" in the beginning so we tried to be quiet.  Late that night around midnight the nurse came in and said let me take her to the nursery to weigh her again, and told me to rest since I had been up for 2 days. I must have passed out for a couple hours, and woke up about 2am and noticed she still wasn't in the bassinet.  I really had to go to the bathroom and change my dressings but when I came out the pediatrician was standing in my room waiting for me to get out of the bathroom and he said the words that will haunt me forever:

You're baby is very sick, we need you and your husband down in the nursery right now.

We ran down that hall and when we arrived there she was hoked up to monitors and a tiny IV in her arm. Laying naked but a diaper under the heat lamp. I don't think I cried yet. I was in shock.  They told me that when they undressed her to weigh her she was shaking uncontrollably, and not just from being cold. So they pricked her heel and took a blood sample and her blood sugar was 0.7 (normal is 4.0 - 5.0) she was in bad shape. If they couldn't stabilize her there was a chance she would not make it. They asked me if I was diabetic and I said no, but the baby had to stay in there under the heat and hooked up to the monitors and IV until they could stabilize her.  They fed her a tiny amount of formula to see if her blood sugar would go up. But there was nothing we could do but wait.  They told us to try to rest and sleep and they promised to wake us up in the night if anything changed. I think I did fall asleep from pure exhaustion. In the morning we got up and went back down to the nursery and they had taken a vial of her blood and it had gone up a bit, but as soon as they lowered the dosage in her IV she crashed again.  She just could not stabilize her sugars. It was really a waiting game. There was nothing we could do but wait and pray. We fed her every single meal and changed every diaper that up until midnight when the nurses told us to try to sleep. Early  the next morning we were back in there holding her as long as possible.  I only left the nursery to eat and go to the bathroom and have a quick shower.  Same with my fiance. We sat in the chair rocking her as she was hooked up to the machines.  There was no way I was going to let her lay there without being held by us. 

The nurses got me pumping the colostrum right away, and I would seriously dip the tip of my finger into the bottle where I pumped it and then put my finger in her mouth so she could suck it off, which she did. I would scrape that bottle dry so she got every drop, plus then they would give her formula to get that sugar up in her body.  And thats what we did every 2-3 hours. Pump, feed her, weigh her, change her, hold her. Non-stop. the nurses had to force us to go sleep from midnight til 3am when i had to be woken up to pump what I could, back to sleep til 6am to pump. I pumped around the clock every 3 hours for 5 weeks. No lie. The poor baby had to have her heel pricked every 3 hours to test her sugars and LANCED the heel every 12 hours to take a vial of blood from her to do more testing...from friday night midnight til tuesday. Her little foot was so bruised and purple from being pricked that they ran out of spots they could even prick her. And by the sunday she wouldn't even cry when they did it, she had already gotten used to the pain they put on her. It was heartbreaking.

By sunday night the nurses told us to go to our room, take a couple hours break, let them look after her.  They could see how emotionally wrecked we both were. Looking back it was exactly what I needed.  And I think that's the first time I really cried.  We were watching tv and I just started bawling.  It was like the flood gates opened and I finally starting grieving for my sick baby. I asked my fiance if she was sick because of something I did wrong while pregnant.  Did I eat too much sugar near the end?  Did I stop taking my pre-natal vitamins too soon, they made me throw up so I stopped taking them.  What did I do to deserve this?  What did she do to deserve this?  I cried and I cried and I cried. For hours. But that's when it sunk in that something seriously could be wrong with my perfect baby. I just remember praying to God that I would do anything, anything at all for her to get better. And I begged him to please not take her from me. That's the night I truly started believing in the power of prayer.  I think this has been the hardest part to write so far. Writing this out, I think I have just found the memory spot that I have been hiding and had tucked away so I wouldn't ever feel that pain again. I think the thought of losing her was more painful than 30 hours of physical pain. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if it meant to keep her healthy.

ok let's see if I can finish this without crying anymore. So the pediatrician called childrens hospital and they told him what they were doing here was everything they could do as well.  So there was no need to medi-vac us over there.  It was all just a waiting game.  She was born on a  friday by tuesday she had stabilized her sugars on her own with no IV,so they finally removed the IV that day. And allowed her to sleep with us in our room that night. I don't think I slept much that night.  The next day wednesday we were released.  Just like that, no follow up nothing.  I kept asking, well what do I do if she drops her sugars again, how will I know?  But they assured me that once she stabilized on her own that she would now be fine.  I was scared to death!!  I was worried sick that she would relapse and I wouldn't be able to help her.  But they were right, she thrived and was gaining weight slowly but surely and she was a happy girl. 

She never did latch onto me again.  I wanted to breastfeed so badly the whole pregnancy and I kept pumping for 5 weeks around the clock.  But I wasn't producing any milk, like less than 2 ounces at a time. So we always had to top her up with formula to make it 4 ounces so she was getting enough.  I had lactation consultants and my midwife all coming to the house to help me but it was no use. By the time my 4 week check up came my midwife tried again to help me get her to latch, but she had gotten so used to the bottle in the hospital that she refused to latch onto me. And I was drying up.  I went on fenugreek and beaded thistle to increase my milk but it did nothing. I had to make the choice, stop pumping or keep pumping hardly anything out.  I stopped. And then I went into a  post pardum depression. And I think I cried for 3 days straight.  The guilt I felt for not being able to feed her, the pressure I felt from others to keep trying, it was horrible.  I had one friend...one single person, tell me it was ok.  She herself was unable to nurse her children and she talked me through those days and made me feel like it's ok.  I will always be grateful for her supportive words and encouragement through that awful time.  It was a very hard decision to make, some people think it's easy, but when you wanted to do something so badly but weren't able to because of factors you can't control its painful. After that the baby started gaining weight at a better pace, so that made me feel somewhat ok about my decision...at least she was still healthy. I hadn't done a ton of research on formula, since I was a pro-breastfeeding pregnant lady. But we did our best.

I really have harbored this guilt in me for not being able to breastfeed.  I felt like a failure for so long....so long.  I would see my baby mom friends nursing their kids and I would act all tough like it didn't bother me, but usually I would quietly cry on the drive home that I didn't feel that special bond with my baby like they talked about. I mean don't get me wrong I have an unbreakable bond with my daughter, but I can imagine that nursing a baby would give a different feeling that bottle feeding. I think that's why I held her til she fell asleep in my arms for every single nap and bedtime until she was 14 months old. I wanted that closeness and bond.  Once I gave that up and allowed her to fall asleep on her own I think it helped build her confidence in herself and also  allowed me to let-out the cord a little bit. ( i still haven't cut it yet. lol)

I'm not sure how to end this. This was my birth experience.  Nothing went as planned, and I was left so emotionally raw from the whole thing that it really put me into a depression. Everything I do I always second guess myself, since babies don't come with a manual.  But I think I'm doing the best I know how.  I have a great model to follow...my own mother. She is the best mother anyone could ever ask for. And I hope one day I am half the woman she is today. She has such strength and kindness, and is truly the nicest person on the planet. And my daughter loves her so much. As do I. I have learned alot from this experience and know more now about myself and my strengths and convictions. So I hope i'll be better prepared if i decide to bring another blessing into this world.

And if nothing else, I have learned to listen to my inner voice. And trust myself.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sweet moments

So today I was in the kitchen making meatloaf for supper while my daughter was having her lunch. Its a normal daily event, I cook supper, or bake cookies while she's up in the highchair watching me. We usually have the tunes cranked up and it keeps her entertained while eating! 

So I started making my meatloaf, not really paying attention to what she was doing, I thought she was just eating her vegetable/pasta/chicken combo until I hear this tiny giggle come out of her.  I looked over and she was kneading her lunch like I was kneading the meatloaf in the bowl. She was copying me and thought it was hilarious.  Thankfully she had eaten most of it, but the uneaten portion was all squished between her fingers...well, kind of like me with the meatloaf squished between my fingers.  So I let her continue as I finished adding the last ingredients and mixing with my hands.  And beside me just the sweetest giggle-fest came out of her as she continued "making meatloaf" like momma.

These are the tiny moments that remind me why I love staying home with her.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


So I don't think I've slept a full night sleep since the day I found out I was pregnant, almost 3 years ago. From that night on I worried every night if the baby was ok.  Then it just got to difficult in the 3rd trimester to get comfortable to sleep, and even if I found that sweet spot on the bed, and got into the zone....she would start kicking the crap out of me. Of course it goes without saying that once she was born 2 years ago I couldn't sleep much.  Not that I didn't want to...oh I wanted to, but newborns generally only sleep for 2-4 hours at one time if you're lucky!  And then I was also up every 3 hours round the clock pumping. I was soooo bagged by the time she was 2 months old I tell ya!

But then it just got to be the "norm" to lightly sleep.  That way I could always hear her if she was choking, breathing funny, crying, needed milk, wanted to snuggle. Anything really. I am engaged to a man who is deaf in one ear, and sleeps on the good ear so he doesn't hear anything and he can get his full 9 hours a night in.  Awww muffin, so hard done by.  9 freakin hours....every night. He has no idea what I would do for just ONE night of 9 solid straight hours of sleep. But I have to be honest, it's not like my daughter is up all night.  those days are long gone. She's been sleeping through the night 10-12 hours for almost a year now. It's me. But with him putting his good ear to the pillow I always think what if he doesn't hear the baby IF she wakes up, I better not sleep too deep or I won't hear her. (my house is teeny, i'm sure I would)

I cannot shut my brain off.  Wondering if she ate enough that day, if I need groceries or stuff for the house, what to make for supper the next day, what kinds of clients I will have at work (yes I work part time) what on earth I will wear to work every weekend since all my clothes are outdated and a little snugger...must have shrunk them ;) Gosh that alone can stress a lady out. My mind wanders off to planning a wedding that seems to never happen, stressing about normal household things, wondering if I just heard a noise outside, or maybe the baby is stirring in her sleep and kind of crying/dreaming...will she fully wake up? My mind never stops running.  If my body ran as much as my mind I would be a smokin hot size 4 I swear! Alas, I am not. 

So this is my night.  Every night.  Sitting here drinking my sleepytime tea hoping that tonight it will slow down the brain and just go to sleep. Its rare if I ever fall asleep before 2am, I usually see the clock turn 3:30, 4:30 etc, and then i'm up by 7:30am. Some days I am fortunate enough to steal a nap with her, and honestly when she's beside me sleeping and we are pressed forehead to forehead and she's breathing on my face, those are my BEST sleep sessions. Even if it's for an hour, I feel so amazing when we wake up like it was the best sleep I've ever had.  I don't know if it's the snuggle with my baby, or its knowing that she's so close I will hear her if she needs me, or the comfort of having her close to me. And yes it's usually forehead to forehead that she prefers.  And almost everytime I doze off I wake up, open my eyes and find her staring at my eyeballs, and once I fully open my eyes, with her soother in her mouth, she smiles so big, so happy that her mommy is snuggling. And she always reaches over and hugs my neck so tight, and it just melts my heart. Who knows how long she spends staring at me.  I'm sure she's memorized every single freckle on my nose and every eyelash in place. We don't get to nap together very often.  Most days she goes to her crib and thats when I can get my house cleaning done.

But I have forgotten how to relax and just go to sleep. Let my mind go and trust myself enough that I would hear her if she needs me in the night. To go to bed and enjoy those 7-8-9 hours of sleep. Even on nights where I work the next day i'm averaging 3-5 hours of sleep. So not good.  I'm going to age myself quicker, no wonder I have so much grey hair.

I need to figure this out because i'm just so tired. I am mentally so exhausted and phyically drained from years of not sleeping. I'm not into taking pills or drugs unless I absolutely have to. So I dont want to tell my doctor because she'll prescribe something.  I want to do it naturally if I can. Sleepytime tea doesn't work.  Yes I feel relaxed, but once I get off of here, and lay down my mind will start a circus act.

Sweet dreams to all of you who can sleep the night. 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Life path

I have crossed life paths with a woman I went to highschool with 17 years ago. (yes I am that old.)  She was so sweet and cheerful back then, and really, she still has that sparkle.  (I can't believe I just said sparkle..I think i've been watching too many beauty pagent shows! lol) But recently her life hit a bump, like all of us do, and she was offered a shit sandwich and told it was turkey.  She's to smart to fall for that!  So she's doing alot of soul searching and figuring out her dreams in life.  One of her personal stories along this life changing journey was discovering who she is, and also who she wants to be. She talked about writing a letter to her old self, what she would like to tell herself years ago that she knows now.  Or would she even bother? 

I think life is about the ride not the destination...because I know what the destination is, and I'm in no rush to see the pearly gates thank you very much! I want to enjoy the ride ALOT longer. But if I could write a letter to my 20 year old self...what would I say?  What would YOU say? All the decisions we make along the way sculpt us into who we are today. Whether it's to date a certain guy, or take that job position we didn't really want.  Every single thing we do and people we meet does some how affect the outcome of which path we cross.  If you see a bird's eye view of our life path, I really believe it would look like a giant maze. Twists and turns every which way, some  dead ends, some deep holes to fall into, some paths lead to original paths and we think...wasn't I just here last year?  But there is also that one straight path. That path is safe and sturdy and paved with gold. Sometimes my paths have come to the golden road and I've walked a few steps only to be distracted by a shiny object like a kitty and pounce onto another dirt road. Only to realize, hey where am I? There are no signs telling you which way to go, and no footprints to follow,  just your own. Along the way you meet other people, some you just pass on by, others keep coming into your life when you least expect it. Some follow alongside you and you have a good laugh all along your happy trail. Those friends are worth keeping!

But there isn't always butterflies and puppy dog kisses along the paths. There will be dark nights and stormy days to get through. There will be people along the way who are only there to hurt you and to teach you a lesson on your personal soul safety.  Once you encounter enough of these people you start to figure out easily how to keep them at arms length and protect yourself.  And there is also those dreaded deep dark holes you might fall into if you are not watching ahead.

Which brings me back to this.  If you had the chance to write yourself a letter for your old 20 year old self what would you say? I think I would. I would tell her to finish college and not to be a loser and drop out because it got hard and money was tight.  She had no idea how tight money was going to be without a college education. I would have told her to stay away from the ex who had a dog. He was nothing but a dark storm cloud of unhappiness and it was a year wasted in my opinion. I would have told her to take that job on a cruiseship when it was there for the taking. I would have said stay in Ontario, you might have been able to work your way up that grocery store ladder.  (oh man I loved that job, to this day it's my favorite job i've ever had) I would have told her to stick to the WW meal plan for life. Being overweight has been the biggest struggle for all of my adult life.  And I would tell her to take that dream vacation while you're young and single. Live it up and party like a rockstar.

Of course all of these things shaped me into who I am today. And since I can't change anything from the past I embrace all of my flaws and choices I've made. I'm on a new path of motherhood these days, and it's going pretty good. I keep looking down that marriage road and it looks long. So that's a good sign.  And I'm really hoping there's another baby branch down that road to follow soon-ish.