Monday, May 31, 2010


So today is our 6 year anniversary. Looking back its gone by so fast, but there has been moments that I thought would never end! We've all had those days!!!

We met online and he wouldn't stop sending me smiles and trying to chat, and I ws thinking...yeah whatever buddy you are 4 years younger than me...go away! But he was persistant so I thought I'd just say hello.....and 4 hours later I logged off that night thinking, wow he's cute and so nice! So that happened again for 3 more nights and then he asked me out for coffee to meet.

***side note;, we lived blocks away from each other when we "met" online, we also lived blocks from each other growing up, never met. And lived in Ontario at the same time, he was doing road construction by this bakery in the tiny town I lived in, I would pass by him and the crew everyday and we never met. But then we logged online one night and found out how many of the same places we'd been to, and never crossed paths!

So I said yes to coffee, but for all I knew he could have been a murderer, so I told one coworker what coffee place I was going to be, so that If I went missing they could start the search party there!! And I asked my friend to call me at exactly 10pm to make sure I was still alive. (hmmm do you think I've watched too many scary movies? lol)

Coffee date went well, conversation flowed nicely, and we decided to go for a walk around the airpark. (later this is the place he proposed about 3.5 years later) So it was almost 10pm and I think he was getting ready to try to kiss me, his hand was on my lower back and we were looking out into the water...very romantic...than the cell starts ringing! Doh!!! And All I heard (and he heard for that matter) when I said hello was my friend speaking in her outside voice "Are you horizontal or vertical?". I almost died of embarassment right there, pretty much hung up after saying i'm fine, simmer down now. But we both started laughing and it totally ruined the mood, but it made the night funny.

And we haven't been apart since. Six years of laughter, tears, adventures, lazy rainy days, junk food nights, game nights, fun nights with friends, nights home sick with the flu, nights at the barn dances, more laughter, more tears, some fights, stress of buying a home, more stress of that pregnancy test saying positive, the joys of meeting our baby girl for the first time, more laughter, dorking out, having lovins, road trips, going for walks, spending time at the beach, or at the lake, drunken nights, sober living, lots of hugs, and even more kisses, hard times, awesome times, and I dont regret one single day. All of it brings us to where we are today, two loving parents who are trying to grow together and raise a beautiful sweet little girl. And two people who fell in love that summer six years ago and promised that no matter what happened to us or what nasty bump we'd hit along the way, that we will always be true to our love and work as hard as we can to overcome it. We made a commitment to make it work and not give up on each other long before we bought the house, long before we had the baby. That we would always be there for each other and always be the best of friends.

I love my best friend and I am so blessed to have him in my life!
And we will always keep laughing....
xoxoxo Happy Anniversary baby! xoxoxo

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